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Ok, I've had aeroplane rides that have lasted longer than relationships.
What am I talking about?!
I've had showers that have lasted longer than relationships...
Entering my card pin has lasted longer than relationships...
relationshipS (s?! - plural?!)
I've had one (ONE) relationship ("relationship"), that lasted a month. I was 15.
It was pretty awful, I will be honest. I just thought he was attractive, wasn't sure about the rest - probably not the best grounds for a relationship.
Since then, there really hasn't been much to even tell you.
The odd on and off "thing" (fling) that I never wanted to be more serious than it was, several bouts of "what WAS I thinking... why didn't my friends tell me?!" - when really they are screaming at you for months saying "what are you doing honey?!" - but to you, it sounds like an annoying buzzing bee so you carry merrily along until you hit a wall.
SO, I've hit the wall ("the wall" - something which causes you to re-evalute your life - deep.)
Last time I hit "the wall" I was cycling up some 100ft Derbyshire mountain side after cycling for 5 days, 2 of which with a paralysed shoulder - I broke down and had Lucozade gel squeezed into my mouth and was told to "get back on my bike" (Tip of the day - take water with Lucozade gel, or have the pleasant experience of swallowing tar -nice)
Unfortunately I can't cure this wall in quite the same way. Even wine doesn't help (please don't down a bottle of wine when you hit "the wall")
So, its been 4 years and 7 months since my last "relationship" and I have to say I am not bothered in the slightest - really.
Boys do not appeal to me at all for relationship purposes - don't get me wrong, they are great for making babies (ew) but what else are they good at?
I have been speaking to two of my close friends (one of whom has been in a relationship for... nearly 2 years? and the other had a boyfriend about 18 months ago and is currently single) and been asking them if we need boyfriends or whether friends are good enough...
Boyfriends vs. friends
From the girl who is single - I got the jist that if you have known the person for a long time - he is your friend, best friend, knows your flaws (how anyone can accept your flaws?! - they're a keeper if they can accept mine - I occasionally ('occasionally') sleep with Henry, he's a bear) and can still stand to be around you and can watch you eat (I'm not starving myself for anyone - thanks!)... the relationship is great - Great!
However, knowing them just from meeting them on a night out - oh dear. If you are in a relationship with someone that you have met on a night out I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU (because I do believe this is quite rare) - it must take ages to get used to each other - you don't know what the other wants for breakfast the next morning - disaster darling.
A boyfriend is a friend for life (or however... yeah...) and only yours (lets hope), whereas your friends, well they're shared with everyone else aren't they (OUR FRIENDS CHEAT ON US, this is horrible).
You can tell your boyfriend things before you tell anyone else (thanks non-single friend!), they don't judge you - like my friend said however, its unlikely that you will get judged by your friends but you know that whatever you do in front of your boyfriend he won't care! - where can I find one?! - Joke.
And lets be honest - you get the attention you want (thanks, both friends!), both friends said that the attention just on you is very nice indeed, with your friends, yes they might just go shopping with you but they are shopping for themselves too, with a boyfriend they are the ones that say "that looks great on you!" and not "that looks great on you! does this look ok on me?!" - see the difference
Wait - did I mention taking a boyfriend shopping?! - HAHAHA - what amma like.
Do boys like shopping with their girlfriends? Does electricity and water mix?
Do girls like shopping? Is the Pope Catholic?
So the good points about being in a relationship - someone is always there for you, a phone call away, to tell your needs to (OH! just like a Dominoes worker - sorry non-single friend! - she has a lovely boyfriend and hopefully knows im joking!x)
Anddddd, there's the bad points - the arguing, jealousy, moving away - moving to University, now how many relationships have I seen break up because of Uni? - not many actually! but it definitely strains it I can imagine!
Nights out - this was funny (thanks single friend) - apparently are far better with your girlfriends than with your boyfriend - you can still talk to lads but my friend said that some of your girlfriends can get jealous and say "SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND" - thanks doll, he was BETTER than my boyfriend - ouch.
Boyfriends buy you drinks (you should!), carry you home from a night out (high expectations?), put you to bed... WOAH, easy tiger...
HAHA. So, as you can see I don't think I'm ready for a relationship after some of my comments. I am very happy for my friends who are in a relationship and I know two girls at Uni who are in long term relationships hundreds of miles apart - hats off to you! (im so jealous)
I think I'm too close to my girlfriends to ever dream of having a boyfriend (just yet anyway) - I never ever speak to boys when I'm out (STRANGER DANGER! -did you girls never learn at Primary school?!), potentially because I'm having a really good time without them!
SURE, I have friends who are boys but none that I'm THAT close with at the minute and I'm happier at the minute than I have been for a very long time - I don't think I was 'happy' 4 years and 8 months ago (when I was in a "relationship") whatever 'Happy' is.
But - what I do know - (and I was told this by one of my parents' friends) - is that it ("it"?!) happens when you least expect it - and so far in my 19 years and 8 months of existence, that when you do least expect it - its definitely the best experience.
Happy loving - Love to my all my friends (and their boyfriends!)
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