I've just come back from my usual 5 mile run on a Sunday, an hour after breakfast and an hour before a bacon sandwich - wholemeal bread of course.
Oh wait, that was a dream. I'm sat on the sofa, an hour after breakfast, an hour before lunch, watching the X Factor in my "loungewear".
I would have gone for a 5 mile run if I wasn't injured.
My first physio appointment was 8th August - a month after I jolted my hip running over uneven ground through fields - I havn't run since 10th July - I know, you can cry for me if you want.
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Derby 10k for Cardiac Risk in the Young |
Everyone who knows me knows that I run everywhere - I'd even started to like treadmills! I've ran for my school, my area and even attempted x-country for Derbyshire - that ended well. NOT. Running is my way of "releasing" - gay - like Beyoncé loves the sea - I love running, listening to some dance tunes easily makes you run faster. Running (According to Women's Health magazine) is better for you than swimming as it burns more calories per hour - people just prefer swimming because everyone thinks its easier and doesn't require too much effort for a leisurely swim - erm, God made us with legs, were not fish - therefore it is more natural to run! Plus I always think about the Kenyans who had to run hundreds of years ago to deliver messages and they'd just keep running and Forest Gump! he ran and he ran and he ran and he just kept on running. I don't think about the poor Salmon who have to swim to lay their eggs - get me?
So, no running for well over 2 months now and its horrible. My right femur bone jolted into my hip joint causing the bursa (capsule of fluid to cushion the joint) within the ball and socket joint to inflame - so much so I could barely put any weight onto my right leg it was so painful - I couldn't move my foot from the accelerator to the brake due to the minuscule rotation required from the hip joint - I know.
Weirdly, I've already had an injury like that last year when I fell off a bike (yawn, sorry for all the people who have heard this story a million times!) I landed on my elbow and my humerus (haha) jolted into my shoulder joint and actually burst the bursa (bursitis) which left me paralysed in my right shoulder for about a month - I had one arm for everything, had to brush my teeth with my right arm and couldn't go back to work for ages as I couldn't put table cloths on tables - nightmare - and the scars to this day are red raw - ouch. I'm so injury prone!
So I've been given hopping exercises for my 4th physio session (OW OW OW OW OW) - I've not been doing any impact till now and oh my life I'm in pain! And then he said 5 weeks he MIGHT discharge me - so that will be over 3 months with no running - aaand I'm part of my University athletics team - this should be interesting - cross-trainers just aren't the same.
After the Middlesbrough 5k for the British Heart Foundation |
Everyone who has had an injury that has caused them to stop training for a long period of time (I'm not talking a poorly pulled hamstring that heals in a week, I'm talking burst fluid capsules and injuries needing steroid injections or surgery!) will totally understand you just sit there like "I could be running now, coming back and thinking 'why did I go that fast' ahh! because I know I'm getting faster and better and stronger!" but currently I'm getting slower and weaker! - not totally true I guess I've been doing arm and core strength but leg strength and speed will take probably 2 months to get back after I start training again.
I have had many injuries in my time - shin splints (still won the area 800m though didn't I!), pulled Achilles heel and soleus, metatarsal problems ahh the list continues with random pulls and tears after training that stick out like a hernia - niiiiiice - all part of sport! And its so amazing to see your body recover and get back to your routine - Thats whats holding me together!
I can imagine a lot of people are like "its just running!" - but when its something that is your life it means everything - err listen to me.
At least I can still wear heels (and endure the pain the next day in my hip!)
You'll heal - I'm a prime example, it just requires patience.
love, stay safe and warm up well!
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