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Saturday, 28 December 2013

Merry little Christmas

  It was one of those Christmases where you say it was a "quiet one" - the close family and watching the King's Speech by 8pm, in bed by 10pm reading one of the books you were brought for Christmas. After an evening of too many Scrabble competitions, teaching Grandma how to play Boggle and still explaining the rules by the last round and teaching mother how to calibrate her new iPad. Obviously all of that was after a lavish meal of, of course, turkey and all the trimmings. The turkey was in the oven by 9:45am - I know. It was huge, we got it from a farmer who lives in the village and we said we wanted one to feed five, so he chose us one that would feed 12 "just in case" - we now have 3/4 of a turkey left and I've had a turkey sandwich every day since Boxing day. Soon we will be having turkey curry, a stir fry and then no doubt the bones will be used to make father's delicacy of turkey gelatine (mm-mmmm) and stock - used for Sunday roast to make the gravy ("jus"). Aside from sounding undoubtedly Southern there, we did partake in the classic hat wearing, joke telling, cracker pulling pre-dinner entertainment. Which, by the time 2pm came around we'd already had three bottles of champagne between five of us and we still had a bottle of white and three bottles of red to get through - it was quite a merry morning. We had my suggested healthy starter of salad. Yes, really, smoked salmon, prawns, avocado, pea shoots washed down with Chablis. We never usually have dessert but this time we took the plunge and opted for Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Christmas Pudding - it was delicious (it said it would feed eight, we scoffed the lot). We turned the lights off and poured over the 40 year old Hennessy XO and lit it, it was a glorious sight that went on for a good minute, blue flames and the smell of burning cognac with the taste of cranberries, pecans and spices, doused in madagascan vanilla cream - it was a great ending. 
 I then retired to the drawing room - HA - the spare bedroom to play Christmas carols on the old Joanna and then it was time to watch the Queen's Speech - which we watched on Demand as 1) we forgot to record it because 2) we forgot it was on because 3) it wasn't the best speech in the world. Something about a man with a cast on - not sure what the wider metaphor was about but lo and behold Kate and Walter were mentioned with their new born Ronald and their first Noel. Yawn, I did actually yawn, who cares if it was Ronald's first Christmas! It was my 21st and Liz didn't mention me, or anyone else for that matter. Ronald stole the show and he's only five months old. 
 I don't know how others start their Christmas morning but we open presents first, after I've woken everyone in the house up with a hot drink - its not the same as being five and running into your parent's room screaming - you have to be a little more mature at 20 (apparently). I was working Christmas Eve and got home at about 12:30. I got myself a night cap (rosĂ©) and heard a "Ruthie!" from the living room (It was dad, he doesn't sleep and he always calls me Ruthie, mum calls me Rufus - please don't call me either unless I really really like you). I went into the living room to find the old man wrapping presents! I thought, well this has blown Santa out the window hasn't it! He asked if I could put ribbons on a few presents because I'm "the best". So I helped him, to find out in the morning I'd actually put a ribbon on MY OWN PRESENT, the cheek! We then watched a bit of TV about some people having their own Christmas lights turn on at their own house - I know, lets kill the polar bears and let our grandchildren deal with climate change whilst we use 10 times the amount of electricity we use in one year in one month. 
 That aside, we went into the living room (everyone with their hot drinks me with my orange juice and a banana - start the day right!) to open our presents. It was a different year this year, my parents had inherited some money, so whereas the last few years it has been satsumas and nail files, this year it was mangos and a full nail set! So mother got her new iPad and dad got one of those electric golf trollies (he's getting on) I got a Nike+Fuelband - get one, you will want to exercise ALL THE TIME. No really, I've been to the gym twice and had a run once since Christmas day! - See. Nike have kind of invented their own metric system of "Fuel" points which in turn leads to steps and calories etc. Everyone needs to asses their food intake after a Roses chocolates, Foxes biscuits and Thorntons excessive indulgence, however it is the season to be merry (and bright - just whack on some more Touche Eclait on those dark circles!) so I'll let you off if you've put on half a stone because I'm right behind you! Lets all just drink a ridiculous amount and eat till we feel extremely ill and cannot move until out stomachs settle and we have another mince pie. 
 I hope you all had a very enjoyable Christmas, I hope you all were on Santa's nice list and I wish you a very happy New Year,

with love
RHS x 

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