I just thought I'd fire out a list of ways to avoid procrastinating, whilst I procrastinate.
v. pro·cras·ti·nat·ed, pro·cras·ti·nat·ing, pro·cras·ti·nates
To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
There is it, in blue and white, you're lazy and you know it. Ok, not really, we all procrastinate.
I am currently supposed to be writing a Law essay, but I've just come back from the gym and really can't be bothered to start it just yet - I will in 30 minutes.
I've been on Facebook
Checked my blog
Checked my poll - can you please vote, just there, on the left, it takes a second (extra procrastination!)
I've lit a candle
I've had a cup of tea
I have washed up
I have checked my emails, rang my father and spoken to Natalie for 20 minutes all to avoid doing work.
Well, do no work no longer!
My toppest tip (fail for grammar) to avoid procrastination is to plan your week
I print out my week every Sunday evening and attach it to my wall just by my mirror so I can see every morning my horrific black eyes and my day.
I plan when I'm going to the gym to work around seminars and lectures
I then write in each day what I am going to do that day, usually I decide this on Sundays but sometimes my plans change
This was I know I have given myself enough time to complete my tasks
I also try to break down my tasks into smaller pieces. E.g. for an essay, break the load down into researching, reading, planning, drafting, re-reading, editing, drafting etc etc this way you feel like you have achieved much more
Reward yourself with as many biscuits as you can - I tend to have a long break (10-15 minutes) every hour for a cup of tea and a few biscuits (7 as I just informed Natalie) - or get some fresh air to clear your head, or to procrastinate! Use your break to procrastinate, just don't leave it too long!
Get rid of all distractions, be that your boyfriend/girlfriend, dog, window, Facebook, phone anything that may distract you - put your phone where you can't see it but leave it on loud, so you don't have a nervy b when not checking it for an hour!
Tidy tidy tidy! - I find I'm far more productive in a tidy environment, spend 20 minutes of your procrastination time tidying your work area - which will also help to move distractions - open the window to get some fresh air, this will make you feel much more awake and ready to study.
At the end of the day, think about what you have achieved, this will be really motivating, especially if you tell people what you have done, as they will only moan that they have done nothing all day - very satisfying.
Lastly, why are you reading this? Stop procrastinating!!
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